Sunday, 28 September 2014

Luckiest Cyclist Ever!

Some people miss signs on the road, perhaps if this was in England it would be flagged up as a blackspot on one of our Snoopers and the lorry driver would have been more aware of the intersection than he appeared to be here

Saturday, 13 September 2014

Do You Know of Any Speed Bumps WORSE Than These Ones?

Get a load of the video of people attempting to make their way over this set ov viscious speed bumps.  Do you have something similar or WORSE near where you live or on your journey to work?

Video Below

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Would 'Selfie Traffic Signs' Stop You Speeding

Authorities in Antwerp, Belgium, are inviting people to upload a selfie on their website and become a traffic sign - as a way to deter drivers from speeding.

Belgium already uses a system of "smiley" road signs to tell motorists whether they are speeding or not. But now, citizens are invited to upload two photos of themselves, one with a happy face and another with a disapproving glare - to be flashed at errant motorists, the Belgian website Flanders News reported. As part of a joint awareness scheme by the city of Antwerp and the police, the photos will be displayed on interactive speedometers installed across the city.

There has been huge public support for efforts to tackle speeding on Belgium's roads. In April, tens of thousands of people responded to a call for ideas on where to place speed cameras ahead of a marathon speed crackdown by police. Campaigners say 300 people die in Belgium every year because of speeding.